E-ISSN: 2791-7835

Instructions for Reviewers

Each submission to the Lokman Hekim Health Sciences will be reviewed by at least two external, independent peer reviewers who are experts in their fields in order to ensure an unbiased evaluation process. All articles submitted for publication should strictly be reviewed by the reviewers for their suitability for the publication regarding their originality, quality, methodology, and ethical nature. In accordance with our journal policy, all submitted manuscripts are screened with plagiarism software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text at least two times. If the reviewers have any suspect, they should inform the editors regarding this point.

Reviewers who seek assistance from a trainee or colleague in the performance of a review should acknowledge these individuals' contributions in the written comments submitted to the editor. Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript, which may prohibit the uploading of the manuscript to software or other AI technologies where confidentiality cannot be assured. Reviewers must request permission from the journal prior to using AI technology to facilitate their review.

Our reviewers provide the most valuable contribution to the development of our journal and a well-constructed scheme for the evaluation process is available on our website. The journal thanks to the reviewers and publishes the reviewer list every year in the last issue and on the website after each issue.